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Recognizing the Symptoms of Sciatica and Finding Relief Through Chiropractic Care

Written By Arora Family Chiropractic on February 9, 2024

a woman running with sciatica

Sciatica is not a medical or health condition, but a collection of symptoms. Sciatica occurs when there is irritation, compression, damage, or injury to the sciatic nerve. If you have never had sciatica before, you might not immediately recognize the symptoms. At Arora Family Chiropractic, our chiropractors have extensive experience assessing and diagnosing sciatica and determining the underlying cause of sciatic nerve pain. Take a look at the most common sciatica symptoms and how we can help you find relief through chiropractic care in Frisco, TX.

What Is the Sciatic Nerve?

Your sciatic nerves are two thick nerves that run from your lower back or lumbar spine down each of your legs to your foot. These nerves control the muscles of the back of the knee and lower leg, and also are responsible for sensation in the back of the thigh, lower leg, and sole of the foot. Damage or injury to the sciatic nerve can cause a wide range of symptoms and interrupt the signals sent by the nerve to the rest of your body.

Understanding How Sciatica Occurs and Recognizing the Symptoms

Sciatica occurs when the sciatic nerve becomes inflamed, pinched, compressed, irritated, or injured. The most common causes of sciatica are:

  • Herniated or bulging discs
  • Degenerative disc disease
  • Spinal stenosis
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Foraminal stenosis
  • Spondylolisthesis
  • Trauma or injury
  • Pregnancy
  • Tumors, cysts, and bone spurs

The most common symptom of sciatica is a sharp pain in the lower back. Other sciatica symptoms are:

  • Numbness or tingling in your back, hips, and leg and/or foot
  • Muscle weakness in your leg or foot
  • Burning pain that radiates from the lower back, through the hips and buttocks, and down one leg

Finding Relief From Sciatica Symptoms Through Chiropractic Care

Our team of chiropractors can help you find non-surgical, drug-free relief from sciatica symptoms through chiropractic care. We will do a complete physical examination and run diagnostic tests to diagnose your sciatica, determine the extent of the injury or damage, and determine the underlying cause of your symptoms. We will then design a personalized chiropractic sciatica treatment plan that will relieve your symptoms and help you get back to your normal life. We may recommend a combination of chiropractic therapies to give you the best chance of a complete recovery, including chiropractic adjustments, physical therapy, and spinal decompression.

Visit Us for Chiropractic Sciatica Treatment in Frisco, TX

Don’t suffer through one more day of sciatica symptoms in Frisco, TX. Visit our team at Arora Family Chiropractic for a sciatica diagnosis and chiropractic sciatica treatment, and regain your health, happiness, and life. Call us today to schedule an appointment, or book an appointment online.

Posted In: Chiropractor Sciatica Treatment