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Risks of Not Receiving Treatment for Whiplash

Written By Arora Family Chiropractic on September 8, 2023

a guy with neck pain from auto injury

After an auto accident, it’s crucial to seek medical attention, even if you think you haven’t been injured. Some auto injuries take days or weeks to show symptoms. Whiplash is a common injury sustained in auto accidents, and symptoms might not show up right away. Delaying whiplash treatment puts you at risk of complications and side effects. At Arora Family Chiropractic, our chiropractors have decades of experience assessing and diagnosing auto injuries like whiplash in Frisco, TX. Make an appointment today to avoid these whiplash complications. 

Chronic Neck Pain & Headaches

The most common whiplash symptoms are neck pain and headaches or migraines. Without swift medical intervention and chiropractic treatment, these symptoms can worsen or become a daily occurrence. Our team can recommend chiropractic therapies that relieve pain, inflammation, and other symptoms so they won’t become chronic or permanent. 

Long-Term Loss of Range of Motion in the Neck

Two other common symptoms of whiplash are neck stiffness and loss of range of motion in the neck. Chiropractic therapies like chiropractic adjustments and rehabilitative care will address spinal misalignment, improve circulation, relieve pain, and reduce the inflammation that is causing neck stiffness. In time, your neck stiffness will be reduced and the range of motion in your neck will be restored. 

Neurological Symptoms

In severe cases of whiplash, you run the risk of developing neurological symptoms. When you visit us after an auto accident, we will immediately screen you for neurological symptoms so we can address any problems right away. We will perform diagnostic testing and imaging and design a personalized treatment plan that addresses your symptoms as well as the underlying cause of your condition.

Inability to Take Part in Normal Daily Activities

Any auto injury that goes untreated can eventually cause enough pain and discomfort that it affects your normal daily activities. If you’re unable to work, sleep, exercise, spend time with friends and family, or enjoy your hobbies, visit us right away. Our team will design a personalized treatment plan to get you back to your normal life as quickly as possible.

Request a Whiplash Diagnosis in Frisco, TX

If you suspect you’re suffering from a whiplash injury in Frisco, TX, visit us today at Arora Family Chiropractic. We can quickly diagnose whiplash and create a customized chiropractic whiplash treatment plan that will help you return to your normal life. We specialize in chiropractic adjustments, physical rehabilitation and physical therapy, and auto injury treatment. Call us today or schedule an appointment online.

Posted In: Auto Injuries